The contractor has completed most of their work along both sides of Frost Street, with the removal of the vehicular traffic closures on South Frost Street anticipated around Thanksgiving. There will remain some limited gravel areas within the travel lane from Main Street to Anderson Avenue along South Frost, until WSA completes their work. North Frost Street will reopen, once all utilities have completed their approvals of the ductbank. South Frost will remain open until the streetscape portion (sidewalks) of the project begins at which time traffic control devices will be installed again to ensure safety of workers and citizens.
Over the next two weeks, the contractor will continue the ductbank construction along Main Street to approximately the location of the 7-11 entrance on Main Street. This will include the installation of the large manholes within the Frost Street intersection, near Silent Partners and Piedmont Tractors. Additional safety fence will be installed in required areas up to the 7-11 entrance on Main Street. We will reach out to the individual businesses/property owners ahead of this install.
Please note PARKING will be maintained through the use of temporary locations, where active construction is not occurring within the roadway.
Parking: Temporary parking areas on the north parking lane may shift depending on the ductbank construction this week. Those areas will shift over the course of the project but currently are available in front of Total Restoration & Custom Upholstery. Currently we have placed temporary signage for these areas, while awaiting arrival of the permanent signage to be used throughout the project.
Deliveries and Events: As a reminder, please let us know if you have regular or specific deliveries that you need assistance coordinating with the project. Also please let us know of any events for coordination and advertisement.
As a reminder, citizens and visitors should be mindful of the restricted areas for the safety of themselves and the workers. If barrels, safety barriers, etc. are moved or removed, this not only places individuals in potential harm it could pose a potential shutdown of the project by the safety inspectors or VDOT.
Fauquier County Water and Sanitary Authority (WSA) WORK IN MARSHALL: WSA is currently performing sewer and water line work in the Marshall Service District as part of their normal maintenance and improvement programs, this is not work related to the Marshall Main Street Improvements Project. The remainder of their work plans in the near term will consist of water line work on South Frost Street during daytime hours. They will contact individual property owners directly if there are any service impacts. To find specifics on WSA work plans or other information on the WSA, please visit their website at or 540-349-2092.
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