Ricky Brown Construction crews will be working to connect a waterline and install valves at the intersection of Frost Street and Anderson Avenue in Marshall, VA.  The construction will take place on Wednesday, November 18th, weather permitting.

Residents in the affected areas are likely to experience periods of low or no water pressure on the day the construction is being conducted.  Homes and businesses located near the affected areas may also be impacted.  The work is scheduled during the day hours to minimize disruption to customers and commuters. The repair schedule, and the affected areas, are as follows:

Date/Time:  November 18th, 7:30 am – 3:00 pm (Rain Date: November 19th
Location:  Intersection of Frost Street and Anderson Avenue
Repair:  Watermain Connection and Valve Installation
Water Disruption:  Customers on Anderson Avenue, Mauzy Square, Sunset Lane, Moseby Street, Ashby Avenue, Warren Street, Wild Aster Court, Reynalds Avenue, Fieldstone Court, Pellam Court, Ashby Court, Harrison Court, Colston Court, Appledale Court, Bishop Lane, and Clover Court
Roadway Disruption:  Traffic will be controlled by Flagger Force Crews at 9:00 a.m.

Marshall (Frost Anderson Tie In) Customer Letter 110620 (1)